Thursday, July 16, 2009

Out of My Hands

Today I went to church and our youth did a bunch of trust activities: trusting each other to catch us when we fall, letting each other lead us blindly, etc. 

We had a discussion at the end of the session. Do we trust God? If you had a family to support and was fired from your job, would you trust God to provide for you until you found a new job? I sure as heck wouldn't. Do I bring every problem I have to God? No. 

Sure I hate physical pain-but it's a lot easier to trust God with that and nothing else. I want the feeling that I have control over my life. I've grown accustomed to it. 

I come home to get the mail. Behold. AP test scores are in. I had been waiting for them ever since I took the test in May. I was so excited to get them because for some reason I knew I would be pleased with what I would find. 

Once the envelope was in my hand, I instantly panicked. I was scared to open it. The suspense kills me, I rip it open and read the letter of suck-age. I bombed my test. The paper had "you suck at life" written all over it. 

This wasn't the only unfortunate thing to happen to me this summer. My summer is full of unfortunate happenings. Did I go to God? Nah. I'd like to think I did. I've made many decisions lately that I thought I could handle on my own. 

This is where I'd like it to end. Here and now. I'm making the commitment. 


  1. Romans 8:28

    Just keep on praying. He's got somethin' cookin' up for you. =)

  2. Christianity certainly is not stupid.

    Jesus claimed to be Lord and the mediator between God and earth making Heaven available for us when we die. That is what Jesus claimed, which means YOU have one of three conclusions to make - Jesus is a lunatic, a liar, or He is, in fact, telling the truth...

    What if Jesus BELIEVES He is telling the truth but is actually insane and completely wrong? Well, Jesus, even by the Jews, the people that had Him to be killed thought that He was a remarkable Teacher. Many times they couldn't even respond to what He said because they were so stunned by how wise He was. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT HAD HIM KILLED! And as my own personal testimony, I used to be a druggie, a vandal. I became an inhalent addict because I couldn't afford my pot. And that is NOT the way life is meant to be lived! We are meant to live in peace and joy and harmony with one another, to get the most out of this short life before we die, and I will tell you that I have tried to fill that emptiness and it was NOT the answer. I found the answer, and there is NO POSSIBLE WAY a lunatic could change my life or so many others' in such a drastic way.

    So if He's not crazy, is He deliberately lying? Jesus was killed by HIS OWN PEOPLE. Why would He die for a lie? If He KNEW what He was doing was a lie and He would NOT get to Heaven, why would He die such a tremendously horrifying death? On that same note, why would His apostles die in Jesus' name if they knew it was a lie? The apostle Peter was crucified UPSIDE DOWN, and many others were crucified or beheaded or stoned to death. Also, Jesus lived from roughly 5 B.C. to 30 A.D. There have been prophecies written hundreds and hundreds years before Jesus' birth, around 700 B.C. that PERFECTLY portrays who Jesus was. And the prophecies made could have in no way been by chance or luck. So, Jesus is, in fact, not a liar.

    So all of the arrows can only point at the fact that Jesus is Lord and He is the ONLY way to get to Heaven. But His gift is not just something for when we die, Jesus has given my life MEANING. He has given my life FULFILLMENT. He has opened my eyes to see that there is MORE! THERE IS MORE TO THIS LIFE!

    Charles, I understand why you hold your beliefs because Christianity is NOT properly practiced this day and age. Don't buy into the lie of people claiming to be Christians but don't act any different. Take my word for it that Christianity IS what it's cracked up to be, but I don't think you have ever actually SEEN it. In a book I read this guy said, "I am giving up on Christianity to follow Jesus." because "Christianity" today in America is MESSED UP, but a TRUE relationship with Jesus is indescribably wonderful. I will not lie to you, because I have been where you are now and I am telling you that JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.

    Charles, I would never in a million years tell you something I wasn't absolutely certain about, and Jesus lives in me and has made me a new creation and He can do the same for you if you give Him a chance.

    Take my words to heart. God bless you, Charles.

    In Love,

  3. I definately, in no way think I am the only one with problems. Christians are some of the most broken people you will meet.

    And let's pretend for a moment I am only hallucinating. Aren't I better person for it? Did I not learn to love instead of to hate, to give instead of to steal, to put others need above my own? The world would be a better place if everybody was "hallucinating" as you say, and that is something you cannot deny. Look at how you responded to my first comment in comparing to how you responded to my second comment after you realized that I was not looking for ANYTHING but to help you. It's what I am about.

    And I chuckled to myself quietly when you said the only reason I believe in Jesus is because of geography and the time period. No.

    Would you like to know why I believe in Jesus?

    I believe in Jesus because, like anything else anybody believes in, I know it's true. If I didn't think it was completely true, I would change my belief, just the same as you don't think God is true so you don't believe it. I FEEL JESUS' LOVE. It is NOT a hallucination or my excuse to be happy, because it says in 'Timothy 3:12' that anybody who follows Christ will be persecuted and be looked down on for it. Why would I desire THAT or make THAT my excuse to be happy, when the Bible I study is telling me that I will be looked upon for believing?

    It's because IT IS THE BEST THAT IS OUT THERE and you will NEVER find true fulfillment and joy in a bottle, or in a joint, or in sex, or in anything else you THINK makes you happy. Because I THOUGHT it made me happy, but compared to knowing Christ, I am ashamed to think I once liked that.

    Doesn't it make you a bit curious sometimes?

    I am offering you something that can turn your world upside down and open your eyes to something bigger than life itself.

    Why would I waste my time with you unless I honestly wanted to see you find something so inexpressably wonderful?

    Doesn't it make you curious? Think about it.

    In Love,

  4. My faith is certainly not a bandwagon, but sadly, others' faith is. I am a Christian because it changed my life and I know it's true, but of course there are "Christians" who will tell you they are "Christians", but truely are not.

    Geography and time have nothing to do with my faith. Jews are Jewish because they are born Jewish. That is geography and time. I came to Christ and that is something I did at my own expense.

    And a few things to clear up about my previous comment...

    When I said "it is the best that is out there", I did not mean religion, because Christianity has become an American culturized bandwagon - as you already know. When you hear me say 'Christianity', I mean "Following Jesus Christ and His teachings", because THAT is the best way to live. Even church today has become more of a business than a house of prayer and worship. Does that discourage me? INCREDIBLEY. I know exactly what you mean and honestly, if I was not a believer and I knew all of the things I know about church and I saw other "Christians" (sarcasm), I would not want to be a Christian either. Please know that, but listen. It is NOT the church that makes you a Christian and it is NOT simply saying "I am a Christian" that makes you a Christian. Please understand where I am coming from when I say this. Jesus makes personal relationships. Jesus does not make relgions. American culture has made it that way. When I think of the word 'religion', I think of bandwagon, so I avoid that word.

    And I was hesitant to use a Bible verse for the EXACT reason you pointed out. The reason I did was NOT to persuade you that is the Truth. I did it so you could see that Christianity (even to Christians) is discouraging (the very reason you fell away). But I will sit in my chair typing this to you with the most sincerity and compassion and I, Alec, will tell you that religion is NOT the answer, but Jesus IS. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I do not believe in religion because religion is the very bandwagon that makes me shake in anger. I believe in a relationship and that is something you can NEVER fake. Sure, you can tell people you love Jesus, but nobody can fool their own heart and motives. That's why I know it's the Truth. I did not get my faith from anybody except the One who changed my heart and made me new.

    And for some reason, Charles, you fascinate me as well. You make very good points. Seriously. You are very knowledgable, but you will not accept Christ until your head knowledge becomes heart knowledge. I am fully aware of this because it was the same way with me.

    If what I feel is only emotion and just a hallucination, I am so unbelievabley thankful for that hallucination...but I found the difference between emotion (or hallucination) and faith. Something that changed my life forever is not emotion. Emotion is temporary and can change, but faith is real and living.

    The world offers temporary satisfaction - money, big TVs, big houses, nice cars...all get old, all break, all run out. We are only to try to find it again, only to lose it, and try to find it again, and to just lose it again. I am offering you something that does not come in a box, which is why you don't believe it. You cannot see it, but you have yet to feel it. If you don't want it, fine, but I will not give up on you because I wouldn't want anybody to give up on me if I was in your shoes. Christ is worth so much more than begging you to look for Him.

    You have to trust that I am not as stupid as you make me out to be. If I find flaw in my decision to follow Christ, I will give it up. That's a promise. I am a human just like you and I am not stuck in a bubble inside my own world. I found something that has changed me. Think about what it takes to change somebody's life completely.

    Just some thoughts. Think about it.

    I am looking forward to what you have to say next.

    In Love,

  5. I am thankful for the hallucination, knowing it's not an hallucination, and that is a faith that is living and breathing and working in my life.

    I am very thankful for the opportunity to share with you my opinions and thoughts on being a Christian and what it means to me.

    If you have any further questions...724-875-5067...ring me up or send me a text.

    Christianity has become something it was never supposed to be, but it's not Jesus' fault. Just please don't get discouraged or base your decision on something that it was not supposed to become. Because it angers and upsets me to no end seeing people get discouraged from Jesus because people called "Christians" don't act any different and ignore when Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself".

    If the whole Christian population acted how we are supposed to act, it would be irrefutable that God is alive and working, and it would be irresistable to an unbeliever to find a way of life of peace and love.

    I am thankful for you Charles. You have taught me a lot. I will pray for you, even if that doesn't mean anything to you. I pray that God will bless you and show Himself to you in the life-changing way He has showed Himself to me.

    If you have any questions or need some advice, you have my number.

    God bless you, Charles.

    In Love,
